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Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008

rugby in der kiesgrube...

haha, da musste ich lachen (wenn es nicht so traurig waere).

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Montag, 18. Februar 2008


"However I am finding it very difficult to get these Americans to actually adapt to this style - decision making is shambolic and there is open reluctance to play a thinking game."

via the huddle

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hier noch mal zum erinnern: die ELVs

The South Africa, New Zealand and Australia Rugby Unions (SANZAR) have adopted certain of the Experimental Law Variations (ELVs) for the 2008 Super 14 competition, which kicked off on Friday, 15th February. The objectives are to keep the ball in play longer, encourage running rugby, and so create a free-flowing, faster style of play. The intention is to make the game simpler to understand.

The variations adopted by SANZAR are:

Corner posts

Corner posts will be positioned at the outside junction of the goal and touch lines. i) If a player in possession of the ball touches a corner post he will not be in touch unless he touches the touchline or the ground beyond the touchline. ii) If the ball is not being carried by a player and it touches the corner post the ball will be deemed to be in touch in goal.

Clearing passes when defender outside the 22m area

If a defending player receives the ball outside their 22m area and passes, puts or takes the ball back inside the 22: i) If the ball is then kicked directly into touch, the lineout is in line with where the ball was kicked. ii) But if a tackle, ruck or maul is subsequently formed and the ball is then kicked directly into touch, the lineout is where the ball crossed the touch line.


i) Players entering the breakdown area must do so through the gate. ii) Immediately the tackle occurs there are offside lines. iii) The half back / clearing passer should not be touched unless he has his hands on the ball.


On a quick throw in, the ball can be thrown straight or backwards towards the defender's goal line, but not forward towards the opposition's goal line.


The offside line for players not involved the scrum (forwards and the scrum half) is 5 metres behind the hindmost foot of the scrum.


For all offences other than offside, not entering through the gate, and foul play (Law 10), the sanction is a free kick not a penalty.

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