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peinlich, peinlicher, IRB

meine persoenlich einschaetzung, das alle menschen rugby spielen wuerden, gaebe es nicht rugby-funktionaere, die dies erfolgreich verhindern, hat sich mal wieder bestaetigt. warum sollten auch kleine "provinz-fuersten" es besser machen als die oberste autoritaet, das international rugby board? john birch hat alle details. nur soviel zusammengefasst: das qualifizierungsfeld fuer den kommende frauen-worldcup ist auf magische weise geschrumpft. uebrig bleibt ein bitter nachgeschmack von eurozentrismus und "dahin gehn, wo das geld ist". " * Europe. 12 nations will compete for six places in the tournament. England, Wales, Ireland and France have now qualified via the Six Nations - Italy and Scotland will play off for the final two places against Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Germany and Belgium next month. Nations with active 15-a-side denied any chance to compete for a place include Romania, Finland, Luxembourg, Norway and Serbia. * North America. USA and Canada will qualify. No other nation in North America or the Caribbean will be given any chance to compete - this denies access to Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, Cayman Islands, and Bermuda. * South America. No South American nations will be given any chance to compete for a place in the World Cup. So no hope us to see the players from the sevens sensations Brazil, for example. * Asia. One qualifier from a tournament, details to be announced. Teams taking part in the are likely to (but will not necessarily) include Japan, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Singapore. * Africa. South Africa qualify automatically. So no chance for the very active women's teams from Uganda or Kenya, leave alone Rwanda, Zambia or Zimbabwe, among others. * Oceania. New Zealand qualify automatically, Australia will play-off against Samoa. So the door is shut on Fiji and Tonga."

hervorgehoben die meines erachtens groesste frechheit.

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susanne wiedemann im abendblatt:

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jetzt ist es offiziell:

bremen hat einen eigenen landesverband!

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